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Professional Learning: What We Know….and What We Don’t - February 13, 2023 (1:00PM - 2:00PM CST)

Sure, teacher professional learning is a high priority. Everybody knows that, right? Annually, every TN district invests substantial financial resources and countless hours in its planning, design, and implementation. Is it worth it? Well, in a couple of words….absolutely, but….

 Join our old friend, Dr. Nate Schwartz with the Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University, in a conversation about what the field does and doesn’t know about this big investment of time and resources by your district. Though your professional learning pot is likely large, it’s certainly not bottomless. Spend wisely!

Feel free to include your professional learning director as your guest. And yes, CEO credit does apply (but not TASL).

January 31

Flexible Scheduling: A High School Success Story - January 31, 2023 (9:00AM-10:30AM CST)

February 23

RetireReadyTN: What You Should Understand for YOUR Retirement and on Behalf of Your Staff - February 23, 2023 (1:00PM-2:30PM CST)