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6 Steps to Effective Leadership ~ and Leadership Stories from Our Own - May 8, 2023 (10:00AM-2:00PM CST)

  • Murfreesboro City Schools 2552 South Church Street Murfreesboro, TN, 37127 United States (map)

(a Capturing Kids’ Hearts TOSS Platinum Partner sponsored SLI event)

Capturing Kids' Hearts® Leadership Strategist, and former Colorado Superintendent, Mark Hatchell will explore the 6 Steps to Effective Leadership. Mark will provide research-driven behavioral data, share practical tips, and reflect on past experiences that will contribute to your leadership skills and behaviors. Enjoy lunch together and hear from your colleagues in Warren County Schools and Maryville City Schools share how they have used Leadership Blueprint® and the Flippen360 Leadership Profile® to grow leadership capacity in their districts.


Dr. Mark Hatchell, Leadership Strategist- Capturing Kids' Hearts®

Dr. Grant Swallows, Director-Warren County Schools

Candice Willmore, Director of Special Education-Warren County Schools

Amy Vagnier, Assistant Director-Maryville City Schools

For more information about Capturing Kids’ Hearts and Leadership Blueprint, visit

May 4

The Cagle Chronicles: Part 3, The Mystery of the Lease/Purchase or Finance/Purchase Agreement - May 4, 2023 (9:00AM-10:30AM CST)

May 15

TOSS Legislative Update 2023 (MIDDLE) - May 15th, 2023 (10AM-2PM CST)