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Creating safe schools, locker rooms, and communities 2024 - August 22, 2024 (8:30AM-12:30PM CST)

  • Virtual ZOOM Event (map)

This event is planned for ALI members and their invited guests. These guests might include Athletic Directors, Counselors, Coaches, SROs, or Facility Managers. This event will outline the parts of a strong safety plan to prevent misconduct, partner with families, and create safe bystander environments. Our goal is to prevent misconduct and support academic success in your schools by enabling leaders and their teams as they set behavior expectations, create a culture of growth and well-being in their students as they build winners, teach and encourage interventions, create supportive and emotionally safe environments, respect the physical needs of students so families understand how things like hydration must happen in and out of school.

We will discuss modeling and communicating, tracing milestones for students and parents, responding to misconduct early (no matter the consequences), and we will share ideas to support your students as they struggle to excel on and off the field. We will also address the need to help parents understand the plan and ways that they can support your work.

We will help the attendees as they seek to create a strong working relationship between parents, teachers, and coaches. These discussions will support leaders as they seek to build a positive parent-coach relationship by building parent understanding, communication lines, engagement, team rules, good sportsmanship, and respect for the process as well as the goals for the entire team. The event is planned to help leaders create an environment where Bystander Intervention means choosing to act when you see something harmful whether you are a student, parent, or coach, We will use scenarios to model direct intervention, distraction skills, and delegation.

This event might be appropriate for counselors as your guests because we will also discuss how coaches and leaders can work together to strengthen children’s sense of safety in athletic relationships, develop a positive sense of self and self-esteem, set boundaries and respect other’s boundaries, create empathy with teammates, help students both trust heir gut instincts AND understand when someone needs to be informed, and model what you want to happen in a crisis. We will outline how all sports should plan together to help prevent and address misconduct by defining prohibited behaviors, limiting one-to-one contact with athletes, defining, and creating safe social media rules or spaces, creating policy for cyber bullying and reporting, and sharing safe reporting practices and encouraging them across team and school boundaries. If time allows, we will dig more deeply into the key aspects of an abuse prevention policy program so that your plan includes a code of conduct that explicitly prohibits misconduct that is physical, sexual, and emotional. We will have attendees define the types of misconduct and outline behavior that violates the policy so that ALL those involved fulling understand your ‘why,’ and we will discuss how many times and places you must clearly outline the consequences for policy violations to ensure compliance. In this discussion, we will focus on the ‘trusted adult’ responsibilities in your threat assessment plan, with social media use agreements, and how AI may contribute to your threat assessment in 2024 and beyond.



May 10

Assistant Superintendents, Supervisors, and School Leaders: Strategic Planning for 2024 - May 10th, 2024 (8:30AM - 12:30PM CST)

August 28

Leading, Learning, and Change: Implementing New Laws in Tennessee 2024 - August 28, 2024 (8:30AM-12:30PM CST)