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Leading, Learning, and Change: Implementing New Laws in Tennessee 2024 - August 28, 2024 (8:30AM-12:30PM CST)

  • Virtual ZOOM Event (map)

Join us on August 28, 2024 as our TOSS ALI subscribers come together to review the new requirements, laws, and rule changes for Tennessee educators. As our school and system leaders settle in to the 2024-2025 school year, TOSS ALI felt it was the right time to share information on new and not so new school safety guidelines, procedures, and the importance of implementing new legal mandates with fidelity. We all know that failure to comply comes with challenges, and we hope that your attendance at this session will help you avoid the pitfalls of noncompliance on all levels.

Our presenters will host an in-depth discussion of the most recent legislative session, the special session on school safety held last fall, and other compliance areas that you all feel need additional clarification. The event will feature several presentations that relate directly to school safety, one of TOSS ALI’s top five strands of work for 2024/2025 and academic programming/assessment topics as well. The program will feature a rotation of speakers who will guide our discussions on these topics. Presentations will also feature a discussion of materials, topics, and new legislation and their impact on the schools and school systems in our state. As always, our focus in on what Best for ALL students and on how we can support learning in all schools in Tennessee.

You will not just be ‘given information’ but you will see how this information can and will impact your work, and we encourage you to come to this session ready to be ‘on camera’ and involved in our discussions. We ask that you arrange to have access to a working camera and microphone to fully participate in this program of study.


August 22

Creating safe schools, locker rooms, and communities 2024 - August 22, 2024 (8:30AM-12:30PM CST)

August 29

New Leaders Cohort: Creating safe and effective learning environments 2024 - August 29, 2024 (8:30AM-12:30PM CST)